Professional background
“I am happy to share my experience in homeopathy, sensation method and in transpersonal regression therapy”.
I practice homeopathy since 1998, teach Sensation Method since 2004, and am a regression therapist.
Training in Sensation Method

2015 Goa, India “Sun, Sand and Sensation” mit Dr. Rajan Sankaran and team of “The other Song”
2013 “Die Lebenskraft heilt” mit Dr. Jayesh Shah
2012 October WISH conference of members and seminar in Freiburg “WISH for children – Sankaran method in the pediatric clinic
2010 november Lonavla, 1 week International Case conference with Dr. Sankaran and colleagues and 3 d Seminar in Mumbai with Dr.Willi Neuhold, Anne Schadde, Laurie Dack,
2010 september “Himalayan sensation” Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and Dr. Jayesh Shah each 4 days, life cases in Kulu, Himalaya,
Several 3 day seminars with Sankaran in Munich, with Jayesh Shah in Hamburg and Freiburg,
Several 1o day Clinical Seminars in Mumbai, Several 12 day Goa Seminars,
Since 1999 yearly seminars in Mumbai
1998 5 day Seminar with Sankaran, Shah, Chatterjee, Divya Chabra and others in Auroville.
Other trainings
Jan 2013 PC Remedies , training from Harry van der Zee on his visit in Auroville, starting to work with these remedies for trauma, Aids, Malaria, Diabetes etc. , Nov 2013 Kigali, Rwanda, giving a workshop to a diverse group of students.
2010 Certification as clinical hypnotherapist with CHII, now EKAA, and 2010 certified teacher of clinical hypnotherapy with EKAA.
Oct 2013 certification as “Transpersonal Regression Therapist” with TassoInternational, Hans Tendam and Marion Boon in the Netherlands.
Nov 2015 Teacher training in Transpersonal regression therapy” with Yuvraj Kappadia, EKAA and TASSO International.
Educational background
-87 study of mathematics and physics at the University of Bremen, work as tutor and participation in student selfgovernment, articles on criticism of science. Since 87 in Auroville – first experiences with homoeopathy and beginning to study! Vipassana meditation, Reiki. 1992-2001 Founding and managing an international guesthouse in Auroville.
Homoeopathic practice Since 98 practice of classical homoeopathy, first in the Auroville Health Center, since 2001 in my Clinic Integral Health . 2001 diploma “healing practitioner” (Germany)
Further 2005 translation of “The sensation in homoeopathy” into german
2005-2007 active participation in a group for “persons in psychiatric crisis” with psychiatrist Dr. Soumitra Basu, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Since 2007 participation in workshops and seminars on Somatic Experiencing, Hladina Method, Psychic Reading, Soulmotion, Rebirthing,
And…some more activities mentioned under research – trituration and new remedies – and seminars !